Dandelion chart visualizes your data in the form of a column chart plus the breakdown of your data as Dandelion flowers above the columns.
This visual offers a unique and wholistic way to depict the parent / child relationship between 2 fields in the “Category” section of the visual.
For example if you have yearly and monthly sales data, you can drag and drop “Years” and “Months” fields in the Category section and your sales value field in the Measure section of this visual. Your Yearly data will be depicted as column chart and its breakdown by months will be depicted as flowers above each column/bar.

You can format the chart from format pane of this visual. Here are the key formatting you can perform
a) Design
You can adjust the flower/ bubble size, line thickness and Bar width from the Design section in format pane as shown in picture below

b) Images
The visual allows you to display images for each of the 2 levels. However you need to use a measure to show images at both levels.
You can use the same technique as used in the demo pbix file. Please refer the “Tennis” data table as shown below.
You can see that there are 2 fields Player Images and Tournament images showing images for both Players and Tournaments they have played. To use above fields in the dandelion visual, we can use following measure
ImageMeasure =
ISINSCOPE ( Tennis[Tournament] ), SELECTEDVALUE ( Tennis[Touranment Image] ),
SELECTEDVALUE ( Tennis[PlayerImages] )

From the format pane you can adjust the image size and choose whether to display images for flowers or not.
c) Level Colors vs Individual colors
You can choose between level and individual colors from the format pane.

To use the visuals without Watermark in Power BI Online, please purchase the Visuals’ license for a 1 year period. License key will be sent to your email ID.
Please contact me at [email protected] or WhatsApp me on +923333225816 if you have any questions
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